I wanted HomeAssistant to use my Body Mi Scale with Home Assistant, but my server is too far from the scale and can’t detect the bluetooth data.
But I do have a Raspberry running LibreElec (in a beautiful Flirc case) near my bathroom, and I decided to use it as a bluetooth proxy. LibreElec being a « Just Enough OS », I didn’t want to mess with it, as my config should survive version upgrades.
Fortunately, LibreElec supports Docker, and a Docker image exists
Here are my quick notes :
Use a recent version of LibreElec (12.x in my case)
Make sure bluetooth is enable in Kodi / Settings / LibreElec / Services
Make sure the Docker addon for Kodi is installed
SSH in LibreElec as root
Pull the docker image :
# docker pull theengs/gateway
And run it with the following settings :
# docker run --restart always --network host -e MQTT_HOST=mqtt_broker_hostname -e BLE=true -e DISCOVERY=true -e SCANNING_MODE=active -e PUBLISH_ALL=false -e SCAN_TIME=1 -e TIME_BETWEEN=20 -v /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus --name TheengsGateway theengs/gateway
Each time you use your scale, you should see appear after ~10 secs some data into the home/TheengsGateway/BTtoMQTT topic
Optional : use passive scanning
Because passive scanning is soooo much cool than active (I guess that’s a good enough reason), you can enable it with a few extra steps.
First, enable experimental features in bluez :
# systemctl edit bluetooth.service
and add the following lines :
[Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd --experimental $BLUEZ_ARGS $BLUEZ_DEBUG
Then restart bluetooth
# systemctl restart bluetooth
And replace the docker command with
# docker run --restart always --network host -e MQTT_HOST=mqtt_broker_hostname -e BLE=true -e DISCOVERY=true -e SCANNING_MODE=passive -e PUBLISH_ALL=false -v /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus --name TheengsGateway theengs/gateway
If MQTT Integration is installed in Home Assistant, it should discover the scale and its sensors.
You can now install the bodymyscale integration.