Here is Check_MK agent for ESP Easy.
The ESP Easy firmware can be used to turn the ESP module into an easy multifunction sensor device for Home Automation solutions like Domoticz. Configuration of the ESP Easy is entirely web based, so once you’ve got the firmware loaded, you don’t need any other tool besides a common web browser.
Quick Howto:
Download the agent package from Check_MK Exchange
- Install the agent.
- Create a new device in check_mk, with agent type = Check_MK Agent
- Create a new rule « Individual program call instead of agent access » for this host and set path to
~/local/share/check_mk/agents/check_mk_agent.espeasy <IP>
- Then, create your devices in ESP Easy (an Ultrasonic Sensor for example) :
- Launch a scan, your sensors will appear, as well as device Uptime and Free RAM:
You can also monitor system values of ESP8266 (RSSI, VCC Value, …) by adding « System Info » devices on EspEasy.
Enjoy !
Update 2020/01 : This agent worked only for ESPeasy 1.x versions. The output format changed with ESPEasy 2.x. The agent version 2.0 now supports ESPEasy 2.x as well as older versions.